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It’s the last day of 2018 and there has been a long hiatus here, hasn’t there.  Well, it has been a strange year in a few ways.  The first half was dominated by the rollercoaster it’s-on-it’s-off house move, but now we’re here, we’ve been getting to know the place and what a glorious summer we had to enjoy having a private garden again. The cats love it here too.   

There’s enough work in the garden to keep us busy for years, but our first house job was to tackle the kitchen.  The fitters worked miracles with incredibly wonky walls, going the extra mile to create a couple of custom units to fill awkward gaps.

We also converted the downstairs bathroom into a utility room and as the toilet is still in there, it’s become known as the ‘lootility’ room.  Trillian chose the new flooring which runs throughought and down the hall.  She chose the most expensive (of course – she’s a cat!), but it did match the existing woodwork very well, so we went for it.

In the summer, I had a joint exhibition  called ‘An Explosion of Colour’ with five other artists at the Harbour Cottage Gallery in Kirkcudbright.  I sold some abstract paintings and got a commission for three more.  In fact, it’s been my best year for selling abstracts as I sold a few more in the run up to Christmas.

The hot summer allowed me to set up an outdoor dyeing station.

and I had a blast creating lots of gorgeous, yummy hand painted yarn, which went off to three yarn shows with our good friends from WooSheeps.

And what did I do with all that lovely yarn?  Crochet of course!

So there you have some highlights of the last six months since we arrived at this special new home.  In amongst all this, our graphic design and web design business, Glendrian,  has been going well and I found time to give my fine art website a complete overhaul and set up an online shop.  You can see it at  As well as art, you’ll find Quirky Paintbrush yarns over there, shibori dyed silk scarves and finished crocheted items.

There is a very good reason I’ve been absent as I’ve been supporting a close family member through a divorce, but it’s not my place to share her story, so that will have to wait for another day.  There’s another story developing here too, but that one is definitely Adrian’s to tell and he’s only at the very start of his new journey.


(photo courtesy of Andy at Feather Forge in Glasgow)


So I shall say farewell to 2018 and I’m hitting the ground running in 2019 with a major project in the pipeline for May – more on that next month.

Wishing you all a happy, fulfilling and creative New Year, and as they say around here,



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